Meet Mingle N More

Activites for Singles wanting to widen their circle of friends

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These are activities for singles wanting to widen their circle of friends, male or female.

How often do you feel like going out, but all your friends are partnered up so are not free to accompany you?

If you do go out on your own, how often do you find that most stay in 'cliques' making it difficult to approach and mingle?

So, if you are single, separated, or widowed, come join us for a fun, relaxed afternoon.

We have several fun, ice breaker games lined up, chosen purposefully so that you are guaranteed an introduction to and an interaction with all other participants within your age range.... it’s a promise 🙂

Happy hour cocktails will be available throughout the activity.

There are two activities to choose from.

They are both limited to a small group of up to 50 within specific age ranges as follows:

  • 25 - 35
  • 34 - 45
  • 44 - 56
  • 55 - 66
  • 66+

You can choose between:

  • Activity A - Meet n Mingle through simple fun games.
  • Activity B - Meet n Mingle through games followed by organised one on one short chats

We aim to make these activities a fun and safe experience for all. We regret that we can only accept those who are COVID doubled vaccinated or who present a negative result. can participate.

Location: Hard Rock Waterfront

Saturdays from 14:00 - 18:00.

Friends playing guess who i am game and having fun at home. Ideas for home party concept

Activity A

During this activity you will participate in a series of simple fun games.

These games will be set up in such a way that you are guaranteed an introduction to, and interaction with, all participants. This is done purposefully for those who wish to attend this activity, but have no one to accompany them.

Mingling will be even easier once you've played several rounds of games with other participants and sipped a couple of happy hour cocktails.

Let us know below if you are interested and which age group you want to join. Once enough people show an interest and a group is formed, we will tell you on which Saturday the activity will be held.

Price: Euro20 [non-refundable] including a free welcome drink.

Duration: 14:00 - 18:00

Location: Hard Rock - Waterfront

Activity B

This activity is intended for those who would like to find someone to potentially date. This activity is split into two parts.

Part 1: Simple, fun games will be organised. Through these games, you are guaranteed an introduction to, and interaction with, all participants.

Mingling will be easier once you've played several rounds of games with other participants.

Part 2: We invite you to choose three persons you met during the games, whom you are curious to know more about.

Apart from the 3 you choose, you will also be chosen by 3, who are also curious to know more about you.

We will then organise short chats that will last between 6 to 10 minutes.This means that the last hour of the activity will be spent chatting with 6 participants, or less if you have a Match! that is - the persons you chose, also chose you.

You will each have 3 rounds to make your choice with whom to have a chat. A participant cannot be chosen more than 3 times. Your turn for the first, second, and third-round to make your choice, will be drawn at random.

All slots must be filled. This means that at any point of your first, second, and third round, the slots with the persons you are interested in, might have all been taken up. In this case, you are to choose from the remaining slots.

Already fearing running out of things to talk about during the chats. Don't worry, we've got your back. You can draw a question from a pack of suggestions, with questions and topics A to Z.

To participate you will need to provide a 5 x 7 photo that will be displayed during the activity for chat slot booking purposes. You will take the photo with you before you leave.

If you do not have a recent, good photo, we are offering a mini photo-shoot at a special price, starting from Euro25 for 4 edited digital photos.

We will only share your first name during the evening. It will be displayed on a name sticker and under your photo which will be on display. Whatever more detail you want to share is up to you.

Please note that the aim of this activity is to get to know new people for friendship, create useful networking, or perhaps something more meaningful.  Our point of departure is not to judge a book by its cover. We, therefore, encourage you to be a good sport and always follow the rules of the game as follows:

1. You are to choose 3 chat slots, even if your intended choices have already been booked by others.

2. You are to accept all chat invites, even if you would not have otherwise considered it

3. We have zero tolerance for undesirable behavior

Let us know below if you are interested and which age group you want to join. Once enough people show an interest and a group is formed, we will tell you on which Saturday the activity will be held.

Price: Euro25 [non-refundable] including a free welcome drink.

Duration: 14:00 - 18:00

Location: Hard Rock - Waterfront